Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Foil Insulation Insulation - Roof Flashing Australia

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Foil Insulation Insulation

We all know that it's important to save energy as much as possible, and one way to be better about that is with foil wrap insulation. This type of insulation has been shown to reduce the effects of heat in both commercial and residential buildings, reducing the need for high-powered air conditioning and heating systems.


By using these types of Thomastown building supplies instead of traditional batt insulation, you can cut your carbon footprint by over 40 per cent. It also helps you stay cooler in the summer months because aluminium reflects heat away from a building (so it doesn't just keep trapping it) while simultaneously helping keep warm air insulated in winter.


Foil wrapping a building can be done with traditional insulation, but there are benefits to the foil. These include:

  • Insulation sealed tight, preventing air from escaping and heat from entering the building
  • A large surface area of foil that allows for greater thermal performance than traditional insulation techniques
  • Minimizing moisture infiltration in homes and buildings when humidity levels are high as compared to other products such as fibreglass or polyurethane
  • Improved resistance to mould growth, which is often caused by excess moisture buildup that does not have access to the outer shell of these types of materials or fibres

There are multiple types of foil insulation based on your needs. For example, the high sky reflects up to 97 per cent of radiant heat and can be used in attics or under floors. The low sky reflects 79 per cent of radiant heat and is used in walls and ceilings. In addition, both low and high sky reflect 95-97 per cent of solar rays which can reduce heating costs by as much as 20 per cent in a home or building with a metal roof.

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, foil insulation is a great way to do it.



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